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Fight against the threatening conflagration in...
„Kampf gegen den drohenden Flächenbrand in Nahost. Was ist die Perspektive des palästinensischen Befreiungskampfs?“ (englisch)
ab 3,99 € *
The Global Environmental Catastrophe Has Begun!
„Die globale Umweltkatastrophe hat begonnen!“ (englisch)
ab 10,99 € *
The Crisis of Bourgeois Natural Science
Die Krise der bürgerlichen Naturwissenschaft (englisch)
ab 12,99 € *
The Ukraine War and the Open Crisis of the...
Der Ukrainekrieg und die offene Krise des imperialistischen Weltsystems (englisch)
ab 3,99 € *
The Crisis of Bourgeois Ideology and of...
Die Krise der bürgerlichen Ideologie und des Opportunismus (englisch)
ab 13,99 € *
Willi Dickhut, That's How It Was ... Factual...
Englische Ausgabe von "So war's damals ... Tatsachenbericht eines Solinger Arbeiters 1926-1948"
ab 15,99 € *
The Crisis of Bourgeois Ideology and of...
Since the open crisis of reformism and modern revisionism, anticommunism has become the main obstacle in the building of the consciousness of the masses. However, anticommunism itself is in crisis, causing it to be constantly modified.
ab 12,99 € *
People to People Geschenkgutschein
Mit dem People to People Geschenkgutschein verschenken Sie einen Warengutschein. Nach Ihrer Bestellung erhalten Sie einen Gutschein.
Inhalt 1 Stück
ab 5,00 € *
Lenin – Brilliant Leader of the Struggle...
DVD-Video, PAL, Länge 60 min, Audio: Englisch/Stereo
Inhalt 1 Stück
5,00 € *
WHAT REMAINS… 10 hard-won years at Opel Bochum,...
Diese Dokumentation ist in englischer Sprache.
Inhalt 1 Stück
15,00 € *
Organizational Principles of the...
Organisationspolitische Grundsätze der Marxistisch-Leninistischen Partei in Englisch
Inhalt 1 Stück
ab 1,60 € *
100 Jahre Oktoberrevolution - Dokumentation...
Dokumentation in englischer Sprache
Inhalt 1 Stück
ab 11,99 € *
On the Emergence of the New-Imperialist Countries
Englische Ausgabe von "Über die Herausbildung der neuimperialistischen Länder"
Inhalt 1 Stück
ab 2,49 € *
CATASTROPHE ALERT! What Is To Be Done Against...
Englische Ausgabe von "Katastrophenalarm! Was tun gegen die mutwillige Zerstörung der Einheit von Mensch und Natur?"
Inhalt 1 Stück
ab 8,00 € *
New Perspectives for the Liberation of Women -...
Englische Ausgabe von "Neue Perspektiven für die Befreiung der Frau - Eine Streitschrift"
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ab 12,99 € *
The Dialectical Method in the Working-Class...
Revolutionärer Weg , No. 6, The Dialectical Method in the Working-Class Movement , had the purpose of focusing the party’s attention on the independent thinking and acting of its members. The book’s topic was not uncontested, however!...
14,00 € *
Dawn of the International Socialist Revolution
The decision for the international revolution must be made by the workers and the masses themselves. To help them make this decision and together with them sweep every obstacle out of the way so that they can fulfill their historical...
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ab 11,99 € *
Fight Liquidationism
Since the mid-1970s the party increasingly had to come to grips with liquidationism. “With a decrease of the workers’ struggles in 1974 on the background of the fluctuating stagnation in the economy, many petty-bour geois elements within...
8,00 € *
Trade Unions and Class Struggle
The fundamental orientation of Marxist-Leninist work in enterprises and unions was developed with Revolutionärer Weg , Nos. 11/12. It deals with both opportunist and “Left” sectarian mistakes and molding influences in this work, which...
15,00 € *
The Struggle over the Proletarian Line – some...
Issue 10 – 1973 Some Basic Issues of Party Building Published in English together with issues 4, 5 – 1970: The Struggle over the Proletarian Line Some Basic Issues of Party Building
10,00 € *
The Restoration of Capitalism in the Soviet Union
The Restoration of Capitalism in the Soviet Union englische Ausgabe
31,00 € *
Three Programs. The Way to Socialism....
Three Programs. The Way to Socialism. Antiauthoritarianism and Working- Class Movement (Revolutionary Way 1-3)
8,00 € *
Twilight of the Gods - Götterdämmerung over the...
For the title of this book, author Stefan Engel employs an allegory from German mythology: in the götterdämmerung, the "twilight of the gods", the end of the world engulfs the worn-out gods of an antiquated age, and out of the world...
Inhalt 1 Stück
ab 11,99 € *
Aids in Africa
There are more than thirty million people on the globe with the HIV virus; three quarter of them live in the southern part of Africa. It has killed already more than twenty-two Million people world wide. If nothing happens, even more...
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3,50 € *
Selected Documents of The Solingen Party...
Documents of the 5th Party Congress from the MLPD.
Inhalt 1 Stück
2,60 € *
AIDS can be conquered - the artificial origin,...
AIDS is not an incurable disease. In 1991 Jakob Segal proposed an effective and inexpensive early therapy for AIDS, but this therapy has powerful adversaries. It would mean the loss of profits amounting to thousands of millions of...
Inhalt 1 Stück
15,50 € *
Krone, Kreuz und Krieger - Europäische...
Die Philippinen sind das einzige Land in der Region Südost- und Ostasien, das nach einem westeuropäischen Herrscher, Philipp II., benannt ist. "Unsere Landsleute hatten das historische Pech", schrieb einst der bekannteste zeitgenössische...
9,00 € *